
七年级嘚英语句子、 -
…… Does she have tennis ball?Let's eat orange!Near the computer.在椅子和桌子中间.perfect,wonderful,clothes

…… 苹果在希腊神话中,是智慧的象征,当初亚当和夏娃就是吃了苹果才变得有思想,现... 探索未知领域的理想. 在决定采用"苹果"这一名字时,创始人注意到他们品牌不遵...

初中英语作文 我理想的朋友 -
…… Friendship is the most valuable to every one in the world. As far as I am concerned, friends will make my life more colorful and meaningful. However, there are a great variety of friends, with whom we have to make friends according to our own tastes. ...

如何用英语来描述理想的室友? Describle your ideal roommate? -
…… my ideal roommate is a kindhearted girl, she must study hard, help the one who need her help. She must be a great leader, she must be an interesting person. she has some good hobbies, like sports. my ideal roommate and I have the same habbits, I have already had a perfect one.

SHE 再别康桥歌词赏析 -
…… 《再别康桥》是徐志摩最有影响的作品之一. 这是一首抒写自然之美与作者心情的短诗,诗人是崇高、赞美自然的.诗中景物的描写真实细腻,可见康桥在诗人心中打下了极深的烙印.不仅如此,而且康桥是诗人的理想.他说:”我的眼是康桥...

从理想中找出韵脚 -
…… 韵脚就是拼音的韵母一样的字或词. 如:设she,和he e就是韵脚

she is an ideal person for the post -
…… 她是该职位的理想人选.post这里是职位的意思

她实现了自己的理想,用英语如何说? -
…… Her dream has come true.She has made her dream come true/real.

电路基础知识 -
…… 网孔电流法,对于一个闭环来讲,绕这个环一圈电压和为零,就有I1R1+I2R2+...=0结点电流法,对于一个结点来讲,有流入的电流就有流出的电流,即电流矢量和为零.就有I1+I2+....=0 回答者: coolday...

假定你是李华,希望通过外籍教师Peter找一个英语笔友,请写一封短信,描述一下你理想中笔友的条件,并...假定你是李华,希望通过外籍教师Peter找一个... -
……[答案] 100字不够啊 Dear Peter, As you known,I want a English pen pal.So I need your help. Fisrt,I hope my pen pal is a kind person ,we can help each other in the future.Then,if he or she has the same hobby as me,such as football and basketball,it can't be ...