
安徒生的简介(英语) -
…… Anderson (1,805 - 1,875) Danish writer. On April 2, 1805 had been born in the Danish Fyn Odense's slum area. The father is a poor shoemaker, once volunteered the service, resists Napoleon's aggression, after retired from the armed services dies...

安徒生出生地英文 -
…… 丹麦 Denmark 汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生(Hans Christian Andersen,1805年4月2日-1875年8月4日)丹麦作家,诗人,因为他的童话故事而世界闻名.他最著名的童话故事有《小锡兵》、《冰雪女王》、《拇指姑娘》、《卖火柴的小女孩》、...

英语翻译《安徒生童话》用英文怎么说? -
……[答案] Q:《安徒生童话》 A:"Anderson fairy tale"

安徒生的全名先读什么? -
…… 1、安徒生全名是汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生(Hans Christian Andersen). 2、汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生(1805-1875),丹麦19世纪著名的童话作家、诗人,也是世界文学童话的代表人物之一.他生于欧登塞城一个贫苦的鞋匠家庭,童年...

“安徒生童话”翻译成英文怎么写 -
……[答案] Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen

英语翻译安徒生出生于1805年,十一岁丧父.由于家庭贫困,童年时期没能上学,他跟别人学习缝纫技术.十四岁时到一剧院工作.后来在一些热心人家的帮助下... -
……[答案] Andersen was born in 1805, eleven years old. Father or for due to family poverty, childhood, he couldn't go to school with others learn sewing technique. At 14 to a theatre work. Later in some enthusi...

安徒生简介(英文) 初中生用 -
…… Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875), Denmark in nineteenth Century, the famous fairy tale writer, poet, is one of the representatives of the world literary fairy tale characters. He was born in Odense city of a poor shoemaker family, childhood living ...

安徒生有关资料(英语)???? 急急急!!!! -
…… Hans Christian Andersen was Danish. He was born in Odense, Denmark, almost 2 centuries ago on April 2, 1805. His first book of fairy tales was published in 1835. The book was successful. His stories teach us that appearances can be deceiving, and that there is a magical beauty even within the most unlikely characters.

…… He is born in 1805 , 11-year-old loses father, since the family is poor, the childhood period can not be at school , he studies the sewing technology with person. Theatre works when being 14-year-old to one , has been at school under a few ...

爱迪生鲁迅冰心安徒生的出生地及出生日期译成英文 -
…… 爱迪生 出生日期:1847年 2月11日, On February 11, 1847 出生地:美国俄亥俄州米兰小市镇,American milan, Ohio small town鲁迅出生日期:1881 on September 25th,1881年9月25日出生地:浙江绍兴,Zhejiang shaoxing冰心出生日期:1900年10月5日,In 1900, on October 5出生地:福建长乐,fujiang changle安徒生出生日期:1805年4月2日,On April 2, 1805出生地:丹麦中部的小城奥登塞,Danish central town oden plug